Personalized brand building, on the ground and on the web
Tour press
Non-traditional pitch angles
Digital media relations
Press release development
Brand development and positioning
Speaker and panel engagements
Red carpet services
Crisis communications
Niche press outreach
Press junkets
News wire services
Domestic premier press
Music and film festival outreach
Domestic and international affiliate press
"Their drive and energy are immeasurable. There's nothing holding them back from achieving great success for their clients."
Robin Reinhardt, VP MTV
"Mary Beth's effort is relentless. She and her team have played a pivotal role in the success of my shows."
Mark Burnett
"Mary Beth is the sunshine people are missing in this biz! Every time I’ve seen her she lights up like the 4th of July!!....and that’s the kind of people I wanna surround myself with!....Change nothing!!!"
Tommy Lee
"I've never seen anyone who catapulted to the varsity level of publicity this quickly. Their energy, passion, and smarts have propelled them rapidly."
David Baldwin, HBO Executive VP
Work with The Conduit Collab. and experience authenticity at its finest.